Hari Hol Johor

In the state of Johor, the former Sultan’s passing date is commemorated as a Johor’s public holiday. This day is referred to as Hari Hol … Continue โ†’

Wesak Day

Wesak also spelled Vesak, is a day celebrated by Buddhists worldwide. The term Vesak derives from the name of a month in the Indian calendar. … Continue โ†’

Merdeka Day

On August 31, you commemorate the momentous event when the Federation of Malaya secured its independence from the UK in 1957. Merdeka Day Holiday Here’s … Continue โ†’

Malaysia Day

As an individual in Malaysia, you get to commemorate Malaysia Day each year. This significant event falls on the 16th of September and revolves around … Continue โ†’

Prophet Muhammad Birthday

Click here to know the date of the public holiday of Prophet Muhammad birthday, which is also called Maulidur Rasul.

Public Holiday Terengganu

In Terengganu, Malaysia, there are several upcoming public holidays that residents can look forward to. Planning for these public holidays can help you maximise your … Continue โ†’

Public Holiday Sarawak

Keep an eye on the upcoming public holidays for Sarawak and begin strategizing to maximize your leisure time. Plan your vacations and mini-breaks around these … Continue โ†’

Public Holiday Sabah

Sabah’s forthcoming public holiday schedule offers a handful of long weekends and brief respites that can be efficiently utilised for recreation, relaxation, or even productive … Continue โ†’

Public Holiday Putrajaya

Uncover Putrajaya’s forthcoming public holiday dates and start arranging to fully utilise your time off. It gives you ample time to plan a relaxing vacation, … Continue โ†’

Public Holiday Perlis

Please stay up-to-date with the upcoming public holiday dates in Perlis and strategies to maximise your leisure time. Planning your leisure time around public holidays … Continue โ†’

Public Holiday Perak

Get ready to plan your time off, exploring the upcoming public holidays in Perak. Like the rest of Malaysia, Perak will observe various public holidays, … Continue โ†’

Public Holiday Penang

Discover Penang’s forthcoming public holiday dates and strategise to maximise your free time. Public holidays in Penang, Malaysia, are a mix of national, state and … Continue โ†’

Public Holiday Pahang

Get ready to mark your calendars for the upcoming public holidays in Pahang. Now is the perfect opportunity to start planning and maximise your time … Continue โ†’

Public Holiday Melaka

Here’s your chance to explore the forthcoming public holidays in Melaka and strategize to fully utilise your leisure time. Plan strategically to make the most … Continue โ†’

Public Holiday Labuan

Plan your upcoming holidays and make the most of your free time by staying up-to-date with the public holiday dates for Labuan. Being aware of … Continue โ†’