Public Holiday Malaysia

Public Holiday Malaysia refers to the days designated as official holidays for the citizens of Malaysia. These holidays can be nationwide or specific to certain states and are observed as days of rest or to commemorate significant cultural, historical, or religious events.

The holidays can be categorised into two types – Gazetted and Non-Gazetted. The Public Holidays Act 1951 details the public holidays observed in Malaysia, which include New Year’s Day, Chinese New Year, Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Deepavali, Christmas, and many more.

Public Holiday Malaysia 2023

1 JanSunNew Year’s DayNational except Johor, Kedah, Kelantan, Perlis & Terengganu
2 JanMonNew Year HolidayNational except Johor, Kedah, Kelantan & Terengganu
14 JanSatYDPB Negeri Sembilan’s BirthdayNegeri Sembilan
22 JanSunChinese New YearNational
23 JanMonChinese New Year HolidayNational
24 JanTueChinese New Year HolidayNational except Johor, Kedah, Kelantan & Terengganu
1 FebWedFederal Territory DayKuala Lumpur, Labuan & Putrajaya
5 FebSunThaipusamJohor, Kuala Lumpur, Negeri Sembilan, Penang, Perak, Putrajaya & Selangor
6 FebMonThaipusam HolidayKuala Lumpur, Negeri Sembilan, Penang, Perak, Putrajaya & Selangor
18 FebSatIsrak and MikrajKedah, Negeri Sembilan, Perlis & Terengganu
19 FebSunIsrak and Mikraj HolidayTerengganu
4 MarSatInstallation of Sultan TerengganuTerengganu
5 MarSunInstallation of Sultan Terengganu HolidayTerengganu
23 MarThuAwal RamadanJohor, Kedah & Melaka
23 MarThuSultan of Johor’s BirthdayJohor
7 AprFriGood FridaySabah & Sarawak
8 AprSatNuzul Al-QuranNational except Johor, Kedah, Melaka, Negeri Sembilan, Sabah & Sarawak
9 AprSunNuzul Al-Quran HolidayKelantan & Terengganu
15 AprSatDeclaration of Melaka as a Historical CityMelaka
21 AprFriHari Raya Aidilfitri HolidayNational
22 AprSatHari Raya AidilfitriNational
23 AprSunHari Raya Aidilfitri HolidayNational
24 AprMonHari Raya Aidilfitri HolidayNational
26 AprWedSultan of Terengganu’s BirthdayTerengganu
1 MayMonLabour DayNational
4 MayThuWesak DayNational
17 MayWedRaja Perlis’ BirthdayPerlis
22 MayMonHari Hol PahangPahang
30 MayTueHarvest FestivalLabuan & Sabah
31 MayWedHarvest Festival HolidayLabuan & Sabah
1 JunThuHari GawaiSarawak
2 JunFriHari Gawai HolidaySarawak
5 JunMonAgong’s BirthdayNational
18 JunSunSultan of Kedah’s BirthdayKedah
28 JunWedArafat DayKelantan & Terengganu
29 JunThuHari Raya HajiNational
30 JunFriHari Raya Haji HolidayKedah, Kelantan, Perlis & Terengganu
7 JulFriGeorgetown World Heritage City DayPenang
8 JulSatPenang Governor’s BirthdayPenang
19 JulWedAwal MuharramNational
22 JulSatSarawak DaySarawak
30 JulSunSultan of Pahang’s BirthdayPahang
31 JulMonSultan of Pahang’s Birthday HolidayPahang
23 AugWedHari Hol Almarhum Sultan IskandarJohor
24 AugThuMelaka Governor’s BirthdayMelaka
31 AugThuMerdeka DayNational
16 SepSatMalaysia DayNational
17 SepSunMalaysia Day HolidayKelantan & Terengganu
28 SepThuProphet Muhammad’s BirthdayNational
29 SepFriSultan of Kelantan’s BirthdayKelantan
30 SepSatSultan of Kelantan’s Birthday HolidayKelantan
1 OctSunSultan of Kelantan’s Birthday HolidayKelantan
7 OctSatSabah Governor’s BirthdaySabah
14 OctSatSarawak Governor’s BirthdaySarawak
3 NovFriSultan of Perak’s BirthdayPerak
12 NovSunDeepavaliNational except Sarawak
13 NovMonDeepavali HolidayNational except Johor, Kedah, Kelantan, Sarawak & Terengganu
11 DecMonSultan of Selangor’s BirthdaySelangor
24 DecSunChristmas EveSabah
25 DecMonChristmas DayNational
26 DecTueChristmas HolidaySabah

Public Holiday Malaysia 2022

1 JanSatNew Year’s DayNational except Johor, Kedah, Kelantan, Perlis & Terengganu
14 JanFriYDPB Negeri Sembilan’s BirthdayNegeri Sembilan
18 JanTueThaipusamJohor, Kedah, Kuala Lumpur, Negeri Sembilan, Penang, Perak, Putrajaya & Selangor
1 FebTueChinese New YearNational
1 FebTueFederal Territory DayKuala Lumpur, Labuan & Putrajaya
2 FebWedChinese New Year HolidayNational
1 MarTueIsrak and MikrajKedah, Negeri Sembilan, Perlis & Terengganu
4 MarFriInstallation of Sultan TerengganuTerengganu
23 MarWedSultan of Johor’s BirthdayJohor
3 AprSunAwal RamadanJohor, Kedah & Melaka
4 AprMonAwal Ramadan HolidayMelaka
15 AprFriDeclaration of Melaka as a Historical CityMelaka
15 AprFriGood FridaySabah & Sarawak
19 AprTueNuzul Al-QuranNational except Johor, Kedah, Melaka, Negeri Sembilan, Sabah & Sarawak
26 AprTueSultan of Terengganu’s BirthdayTerengganu
1 MaySunLabour DayNational
2 MayMonHari Raya AidilfitriNational
3 MayTueHari Raya Aidilfitri HolidayNational
4 MayWedLabour Day HolidayNational
15 MaySunWesak DayNational
16 MayMonWesak Day HolidayNational except Johor, Kedah, Kelantan & Terengganu
17 MayTueRaja Perlis’ BirthdayPerlis
22 MaySunHari Hol PahangPahang
23 MayMonHari Hol Pahang HolidayPahang
30 MayMonHarvest FestivalLabuan & Sabah
31 MayTueHarvest Festival HolidayLabuan & Sabah
1 JunWedHari GawaiSarawak
2 JunThuHari Gawai HolidaySarawak
6 JunMonAgong’s BirthdayNational
19 JunSunSultan of Kedah’s BirthdayKedah
7 JulThuGeorgetown World Heritage City DayPenang
9 JulSatArafat DayTerengganu
9 JulSatPenang Governor’s BirthdayPenang
10 JulSunHari Raya HajiNational
11 JulMonHari Raya Haji HolidayNational except Johor
12 JulTueHari Raya Haji HolidayPerlis & Terengganu
22 JulFriSarawak DaySarawak
30 JulSatAwal MuharramNational
30 JulSatSultan of Pahang’s BirthdayPahang
31 JulSunAwal Muharram HolidayKelantan & Terengganu
24 AugWedMelaka Governor’s BirthdayMelaka
31 AugWedMerdeka DayNational
3 SepSatHari Hol Almarhum Sultan IskandarJohor
16 SepFriMalaysia DayNational
18 SepSunMalaysia Day HolidayJohor & Kedah
1 OctSatSabah Governor’s BirthdaySabah
8 OctSatSarawak Governor’s BirthdaySarawak
9 OctSunProphet Muhammad’s BirthdayNational
10 OctMonProphet Muhammad’s Birthday HolidayNational except Johor, Kedah, Kelantan & Terengganu
24 OctMonDeepavaliNational except Sarawak
4 NovFriSultan of Perak’s BirthdayPerak
11 NovFriSultan of Kelantan’s BirthdayKelantan
12 NovSatSultan of Kelantan’s Birthday HolidayKelantan
13 NovSunSultan of Kelantan’s Birthday HolidayKelantan
18 NovFriSpecial Public Holiday (GE15)National
19 NovSatSpecial Public Holiday (GE15)National
20 NovSunSpecial Public Holiday (GE15)Johor, Kelantan & Terengganu
28 NovMonSpecial Public Holiday 28 NovNational
11 DecSunSultan of Selangor’s BirthdaySelangor
12 DecMonSultan of Selangor’s Birthday HolidaySelangor
24 DecSatChristmas EveSabah
25 DecSunChristmas DayNational
26 DecMonChristmas HolidayNational except Johor, Kedah, Kelantan & Terengganu

Public Holiday Malaysia 2021

1 JanFriNew Year’s DayNational except Johor, Kedah, Kelantan, Perlis & Terengganu
14 JanThuYDPB Negeri Sembilan’s BirthdayNegeri Sembilan
28 JanThuThaipusamJohor, Kuala Lumpur, Negeri Sembilan, Penang, Perak, Putrajaya & Selangor
1 FebMonFederal Territory DayKuala Lumpur, Labuan & Putrajaya
12 FebFriChinese New YearNational
13 FebSatChinese New Year HolidayNational
14 FebSunChinese New Year HolidayJohor, Kedah, Kelantan & Terengganu
4 MarThuInstallation of Sultan TerengganuTerengganu
11 MarThuIsrak and MikrajKedah, Negeri Sembilan, Perlis & Terengganu
23 MarTueSultan of Johor’s BirthdayJohor
2 AprFriGood FridaySabah & Sarawak
13 AprTueAwal RamadanJohor, Kedah & Melaka
15 AprThuDeclaration of Melaka as a Historical CityMelaka
26 AprMonSultan of Terengganu’s BirthdayTerengganu
29 AprThuNuzul Al-QuranNational except Johor, Kedah, Melaka, Negeri Sembilan, Sabah & Sarawak
1 MaySatLabour DayNational
2 MaySunLabour Day HolidayKelantan & Terengganu
13 MayThuHari Raya AidilfitriNational
14 MayFriHari Raya Aidilfitri HolidayNational
16 MaySunHari Raya Aidilfitri HolidayJohor & Kedah
22 MaySatHari Hol PahangPahang
26 MayWedWesak DayNational
30 MaySunHarvest FestivalLabuan & Sabah
31 MayMonHarvest Festival HolidayLabuan & Sabah
1 JunTueHari GawaiSarawak
2 JunWedHari Gawai HolidaySarawak
7 JunMonAgong’s BirthdayNational
20 JunSunSultan of Kedah’s BirthdayKedah
7 JulWedGeorgetown World Heritage City DayPenang
10 JulSatPenang Governor’s BirthdayPenang
17 JulSatRaja Perlis’ BirthdayPerlis
19 JulMonArafat DayTerengganu
20 JulTueHari Raya HajiNational
21 JulWedHari Raya Haji HolidayKedah, Kelantan, Perlis & Terengganu
22 JulThuSarawak DaySarawak
30 JulFriSultan of Pahang’s BirthdayPahang
10 AugTueAwal MuharramNational
24 AugTueMelaka Governor’s BirthdayMelaka
31 AugTueMerdeka DayNational
13 SepMonHari Hol Almarhum Sultan IskandarJohor
16 SepThuMalaysia DayNational
2 OctSatSabah Governor’s BirthdaySabah
9 OctSatSarawak Governor’s BirthdaySarawak
19 OctTueProphet Muhammad’s BirthdayNational
4 NovThuDeepavaliNational except Sarawak
5 NovFriSultan of Perak’s BirthdayPerak
11 NovThuSultan of Kelantan’s BirthdayKelantan
12 NovFriSultan of Kelantan’s Birthday HolidayKelantan
3 DecFriMalaysia Cup HolidayKuala Lumpur, Labuan & Putrajaya
11 DecSatSultan of Selangor’s BirthdaySelangor
24 DecFriChristmas EveSabah
25 DecSatChristmas DayNational
26 DecSunChristmas HolidayKelantan & Terengganu

Impact of Public Holidays in Malaysia

The impact of public holidays in Malaysia resonates through various sectors of the economy in both positive and negative ways.

Positive Impacts

Consumer Spending

Public holidays often see a surge in consumer spending as people shop for gifts, clothing, and festive food. Retailers capitalize on this trend by offering discounts and promotions, thereby boosting their sales volume and revenue.

Tourism Boost

The celebrations during public holidays attract tourists from around the globe, significantly boosting the tourism sector. Increased tourist inflow translates to higher occupancy rates in hotels, more restaurant customers, and increased sales in souvenir shops, all contributing to the local economy.

Employment Opportunities

The heightened retail and tourism activity during public holidays creates temporary and seasonal employment opportunities. This not only helps in reducing the unemployment rate but also provides individuals with a chance to earn extra income.

Cultural Exchange

Public holidays offer a platform for cultural exchange and understanding among Malaysiaโ€™s diverse population. They also present an opportunity for foreigners to immerse themselves in Malaysia’s rich cultural heritage, promoting a positive image of the country internationally.

Economic Stimulus

The cumulative spending during public holidays acts as an economic stimulus. The government also often partakes in boosting the economy by organizing events or improving infrastructure to accommodate the festivities.

Negative Impacts

Business Closures

Mandatory closures can affect certain businesses, particularly those operating in a B2B model or those that rely on daily operations for revenue. The operational costs incurred even when closed can strain the finances of small businesses.

Operational Challenges

Businesses in the hospitality and retail sector may face operational challenges due to the sudden surge in demand. Managing inventory, ensuring adequate staffing, and maintaining a high level of service can be strenuous.

Traffic Congestion and Infrastructure Strain

The influx of both local and international tourists, coupled with locals traveling for celebrations, often leads to traffic congestion and a strain on public infrastructure.

Increased Government Spending

The government may need to spend more on public safety, traffic management, and infrastructure maintenance to ensure smooth celebrations, which could strain public finances.

Post-Holiday Slump

The spike in sales and tourism often leads to a post-holiday slump, where businesses see a significant drop in customer spending and activity, which can affect their quarterly performance.

The impact of public holidays in Malaysia mirrors the complex interplay of economic, social, and cultural factors inherent in such a multicultural nation. While they offer various benefits, their challenges require strategic planning and management to maximise the positive aspects while mitigating the negative impacts.

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