PADU (Pangkalan Data Utama): Registration at Portal

The PADU Database Malaysia, known as “Pangkalan Data Utama“, is a national record that includes individual and household profiles for citizens and permanent residents of Malaysia. The PADU system is updated by integrating administrative data from various sources from government agencies to provide profile of individuals and households in Malaysia. The sources may include immigration and citizenship records, tax and revenue services, social and welfare, healthcare, education, employment, housing and property, and utility and services records.

PADU enables Malaysians to check and update their information directly via the PADU Portal, accessible at The PADU system is a secure, comprehensive, and real-time primary record for periodic analytics and digitalisation to inform data-driven policy formulation and decision-making and implement targeted policies to balance fiscal positions.

The government has announced that PADU officially launched on January 2nd, 2024. From this date, all Malaysians 18 years and above are encouraged to register, verify, and update their information in the system to ensure it is accurate and up-to-date.

PADU Portal (

The PADU portal is the official website of the Pangkalan Data Utama (PADU) system. The website provides access to the central database hub that contains secure data on individuals and households in Malaysia. With a PADU centralised database, government agencies can access the information they need quickly and accurately, without the need for manual data entry or searching through multiple databases.

Users can register for the PADU system, login PADU on the portal and provide their personal details and contact information. Once registered, users can access their profiles and update their information as needed. The portal also provides access to various services related to the PADU system, such as making complaints, submitting feedback, and requesting information.

The portal is designed to be secure, with strict protocols in place to protect user data. All data entered into the system is encrypted and stored securely, ensuring that it cannot be accessed by unauthorized users. The system uses advanced security measures to prevent hacking and other cyber attacks. Please note that the correct URL is, not

PADU Registration Process

Online Registration

The PADU database system allows individuals to register their personal information online at To register on PADU (Pangkalan Data Utama), follow these steps:

  1. Visit the official PADU website:
  2. Select the registration option “DAFTAR SEKARANG“.
  3. Fill in your personal details as required, typically including your full name as per your identification card (MyKad), MyKad number, and your postcode.
  4. Provide a current and active mobile number and email address.
  5. You will receive a One-Time Password (OTP) on your mobile, which you need to enter on the website for verification.
  6. After verification, set up your password for the PADU account.

Once registered, you may also need to complete an e-KYC (Electronic Know Your Customer) process for identity verification.

To complete the e-KYC (Electronic Know Your Customer) verification for PADU, follow these steps:

  1. After registering on the PADU website, you will be prompted to start the e-KYC process.
  2. You will need to have a smartphone and your MyKad (Identification Card) with you.
  3. The PADU website will generate a QR code. Scan this QR code using your smartphone’s camera app.
  4. This action will load a PADU Identity Verification page on your smartphone.
  5. Grant access to your phone’s camera as required by the website.
  6. Take clear photographs of both the front and back sides of your MyKad. Ensure there is no glare and all details are visible.
  7. Take a selfie, making sure your face fits within the outlined area on the screen.

The photos are then submitted for verification. The approval process typically happens quickly, often taking around 5-10 minutes.

Offline Registration

For those who do not have access to the internet, there are offline methods of registering and updating their details in the PADU system. The offline method is primarily for those in rural areas and those who do not have internet access. In such cases, registering and updating of personal information can be done through district offices and government agencies.

The offline registration process involves filling out forms provided at the help desks and certain government premises. The individual needs to provide their personal information, such as their name, identification number, and contact details. The forms are then submitted, and the individual will receive a confirmation message.

The PADU system ensures that all information provided is secure and confidential, whether through the online or offline registration process. The system also allows for easy updating of personal information, ensuring that the information stored is up to date at all times.

PADU System Features

The Pangkalan Data Utama (PADU) is a national central database system that is a secure, comprehensive, and near real-time platform for generating periodic economic analytics and digitalisation without data loss. The PADU system is designed to integrate socio-economic information obtained from various administrative sources and use it to inform policy and programmes.

Data Integration

PADU is designed to integrate data from various administrative sources, including government agencies and departments, to provide a comprehensive database of socio-economic information. The system is expected to include profiles of individuals and households, including citizens and permanent residents in Malaysia. The integration of data from multiple sources is expected to ensure that the database is comprehensive and up-to-date.

Economic Analytics

PADU is expected to be a useful tool for generating periodic economic analytics that can inform policy and programmes. The system is expected to provide near real-time data on various socio-economic indicators, including income, employment, and poverty rates. This data is useful for monitoring the economy’s performance and identifying areas that require intervention.

Digitalisation and Cybersecurity

PADU is designed to be a digital platform that provides secure access to socio-economic information. The system is expected to be accessible to authorised users only, and data privacy is expected to be a priority. The system is expected to be equipped with state-of-the-art cybersecurity features to protect against data breaches and cyber attacks.

Economy Minister Rafizi Ramli has indicated that PADU is 60% complete and on track for a January 2024 launch. The system is expected to provide a useful tool for generating periodic economic analytics and informing policy and programmes. The system’s features, including data integration, economic analytics, and digitalisation, are expected to make it a valuable resource for policymakers and analysts.

Targeted Subsidies and Assistance

The Pangkalan Data Utama (PADU) socio-economic database is designed to target Malaysians needing government assistance with income reclassification. The government has said it will begin implementing its targeted subsidy programme early next year once the PADU socio-economic database is ready. The database is 72% complete, and the mechanism for targeted subsidies will soon be announced.

Household Subsidies

The PADU database will ensure that only citizens receive targeted subsidies. The government will provide subsidies to households with low net disposable income. The first mechanism likely to be used to implement targeted subsidies for petrol and diesel next year will be based on household net disposable income. The targeted subsidy will begin with petrol and diesel.

Individual Subsidies

The PADU database will also be used to provide individual subsidies to Malaysians in need. The second mechanism likely to be used to implement targeted subsidies for petrol and diesel next year will be based on individual net disposable income. The targeted subsidy will begin with petrol and diesel.

Government Assistance Programmes

The PADU database will also be used to implement government assistance programmes. The government plans to provide “bantuan” to needy Malaysians. The database will ensure that only citizens receive government assistance. The socio-economic database will be used to identify Malaysians needing government assistance. The government aims to provide a social safety net for Malaysians in need. This is useful for Malaysians currently receiving government aid, Sumbangan Tunai Rahmah (STR).

Economic Impact and Policy Making

Socio-Economic Welfare

The PADU database has the potential to significantly impact socio-economic welfare in Malaysia. The database can provide a comprehensive picture of the country’s socio-economic situation by integrating data from various sources. This can help policymakers identify areas of improvement and develop targeted policies and programmes to address issues such as income inequality and social protection.

Data-Driven Decision Making

The PADU database can also improve the quality of decision-making by providing policymakers with accurate and up-to-date information. By basing decisions on data rather than assumptions or incomplete information, policymakers can make more informed choices that are more likely to achieve their intended outcomes. This can help to bridge the socio-economic gap and promote “peningkatan kesejahteraan ekonomi”.

Fiscal Position and Efficiency

The Padu database can also help to improve the fiscal position and efficiency of the Malaysian government. By providing policymakers with a more complete picture of the country’s finances, the database can help to identify areas of inefficiency and waste. This can help to ensure that public funds are used more effectively, which can ultimately benefit the country’s citizens.

Statutory Bodies and Reforms

The Padu database can also play a role in promoting reforms and improving the efficiency of statutory bodies. By providing these bodies with better access to data, the database can help to identify areas of improvement and promote more efficient service delivery. This can help to ensure that government services are delivered more effectively and efficiently, which can benefit all Malaysians.

Overall, the Padu database has the potential to significantly impact Malaysia’s socio-economic landscape. By providing policymakers with more accurate and up-to-date data, the database can help to promote better decision-making, improve the efficiency of government services, and promote more equitable socio-economic outcomes.

Demographic and Socio-Economic Data

The Pangkalan Data Utama (PADU) is a comprehensive and secure national database that aims to provide near real-time socio-economic information to support data-driven decision-making. The system PADU integrates data from various sources, including government departments and agencies, to provide a holistic view of the socio-economic landscape of Malaysia.

Household Information

PADU contains household information, including the profile of individuals and households, such as citizenship status and permanent residency in Malaysia. The system also includes information on household net disposable income, which is an essential indicator of the economic well-being of households.

Individual Profiles

PADU’s individual profiles include information on the net disposable income of individuals, which is a key indicator of their economic well-being. The system also contains information on the demographic characteristics of individuals, such as age, gender, and education level.

Citizen and Resident Data

PADU contains information on citizens and residents of Malaysia, including their demographic and socio-economic characteristics. With a population of over 32 million Malaysians, the system provides valuable insights into the socio-economic landscape of the country.

The PADU database provides policymakers, researchers, and the public with a valuable information source on the Malaysian population’s socio-economic characteristics. The system’s integration of data from various sources creates a comprehensive and accurate picture of the country’s socio-economic landscape. Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim announced the system’s launch on January 2, 2024, and it is expected to be a valuable tool for policymakers and researchers in the years to come.

Registration and Update Mechanisms

Updating Personal Information

The PADU system offers Malaysians an easy and convenient way to update their online and offline personal information. Users can access the PADU portal to change their profiles, including their name, address, and contact details. Alternatively, Malaysians can update their information offline by visiting any KPDNKK office or service centre.

The PADU database and system are designed to ensure the accuracy and integrity of personal information by leveraging advanced analytics and data integration. Any changes made to a user’s profile will be reflected in real-time across all relevant government agencies and services.

Subsidies Card Registration

In addition to updating personal information, Malaysians can also use the PADU system to register for subsidies cards. These cards provide access to a range of government subsidies and benefits, including fuel subsidy, food, and healthcare.

To register for a subsidies card, users can visit any KPDNKK office or service centre. Malaysians can also register online through the PADU portal. Once registered, users will receive a unique card that can be used to access subsidies and benefits at participating merchants and service providers.

What is PADU?

Pangkalan Data Utama (PADU) is Malaysia’s integrated database by the Ministry of Economy. It combines data sets from various sources to enhance accessibility and data integration. PADU provides an understanding for policy and initiative formulation, including subsidy distribution to those most in need, and to facilitate social welfare reform. The aggregated data can be used by companies and entrepreneurs for in-depth customer analysis, strategic planning, and informed decision-making.

The PADU portal,, serves as the central database hub containing secure data on individuals and households in Malaysia. Users can register online, providing personal details such as name, identification number, and contact information.

The registration process involves a smartphone-based e-KYC (Electronic Know Your Customer) process, where users scan a QR code and submit photos of their MyKad and a selfie for identity verification. For those without internet access, offline registration is available through district offices and government agencies.

PADU’s comprehensive database supports socio-economic welfare, data-driven decision-making, fiscal efficiency, and reform in statutory bodies. It integrates socio-economic information from various administrative sources, facilitating real-time economic analytics and digitalisation. This database enhances socio-economic outcomes, policy-making efficiency, and government service delivery in Malaysia.

The PADU (Pangkalan Data Utama) database, as of a recent update, is 72% complete. It contains a total of 29.8 million cross-ministerial and agency data entries. This progress is a significant increase from the 60% completion reported earlier. The database is fundamental to the implementation of targeted subsidy programs in Malaysia, with the initial focus being on petrol and diesel subsidies. The government is exploring various mechanisms for this distribution, including potentially utilizing the MySejahtera application and considering cash transfers or a card system. The precise mechanism for these subsidies is yet to be announced.

What is My PADU?

MyPADU is a user portal within the PADU (Pangkalan Data Utama) system, designed for individuals in Malaysia. Through this portal, users can log in to manage their personal and socio-economic data.

MyPADU provides functions such as checking eligibility for government subsidies and assistance programs, updating personal information, and interacting with government services.

4 thoughts on “PADU (Pangkalan Data Utama): Registration at Portal”

  1. I have registered but my bank and bank a/c number not accepted. I tried calling the hotline number, not answered. This is very user unfriendly site. Untill today I tried to login, cannot get in to the site and the calls was not answered. Very disappointing.


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