Employment to Population Ratio by Gender in Malaysia

The employment to population ratio is a crucial indicator of the labour market’s health and the level of economic activity within a country.

By examining the data obtained from data.gov.my, we can gain insights into the trends and patterns of employment among the Malaysian population from 2001 to 2021. This analysis will focus on the employment-to-population ratio broken down by sex, providing a comprehensive view of gender disparities in the workforce.

Gender Disparities in Employment

The data reveals significant disparities between male and female employment rates in Malaysia. In 2011, the employment-to-population ratio for males was 77.4%, while females lagged behind at 46.4%.

This gap continued to persist throughout the years, although both genders experienced slight increases in employment rates. By 2021, the male employment-to-population ratio reached 77.3%, whereas the female ratio stood at 52.8%.

While progress has been made, a substantial disparity remains, emphasizing the need for gender equality in the labor market.

Trends and Patterns

From 2001 to 2021, the total employment-to-population ratio fluctuated within a relatively narrow range of 60.6% to 66.4%.

However, when examining the male and female ratios separately, notable differences emerge.

Male employment rates consistently outperformed their female counterparts, with a consistent gap between the two.

The data demonstrates that despite improvements in female employment rates over the years, they have yet to catch up to male employment levels.

Possible Factors

Several factors contribute to the observed gender disparities in employment. Traditional gender roles, societal expectations, and cultural norms may influence the participation of women in the workforce.

In some cases, women face barriers such as limited access to education and training, childcare responsibilities, and workplace discrimination. Addressing these issues requires comprehensive policies that promote gender equality, encourage female empowerment, and create a supportive environment for women in the workforce.

Importance of Gender Equality

Achieving gender equality in employment is not just a matter of fairness but has substantial economic implications. Studies have shown that gender diversity in the workforce enhances productivity, innovation, and overall economic growth.

When women have equal access to employment opportunities, they contribute to increased household incomes, reduced poverty rates, and improved social well-being.

By narrowing the gender gap in the labor market, Malaysia can unlock the full potential of its workforce and drive sustainable development.


The analysis of the employment-to-population ratio by gender in Malaysia highlights persistent gender disparities in the labor market.

Despite incremental progress, women continue to face lower employment rates compared to men.

Achieving gender equality in employment requires a multi-faceted approach encompassing policy interventions, social awareness, and supportive workplaces.

By fostering an inclusive and equitable labor market, Malaysia can harness the talents and skills of its entire population, driving economic growth and societal progress.

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