How To Open Business Bank Account In Malaysia

Opening a business bank account in Malaysia can be an important step for those looking to expand their operations into the country. While this process may appear daunting, with the right preparation and research, it can be completed quickly and efficiently.

This article will provide a comprehensive overview of how to open a business bank account in Malaysia, addressing topics such as what documents are required, which financial institutions offer such services, and any applicable fees. By utilising this guide, readers should have a clear understanding of the steps necessary to obtain a business bank account in Malaysia and be able to make informed decisions on their banking needs.

What Is A Business Bank Account?

A business bank account is a financial tool used to store and manage the funds of a business entity. It serves as a vessel for the company to deposit, withdraw, and transfer money without having to do so through its ownersโ€™ personal accounts. Unlike an offshore bank that is mainly for foreigners, a business bank account can be opened by sole proprietorships, partnerships, corporations, non-profits, and other legal entities.

The advantages of having a separate business bank account include improved clarity in tracking the companyโ€™s financial activities, better protection against personal liability for the entityโ€™s debts or obligations, and easier access to business loans. Additionally, having a dedicated bank account allows businesses to set up automated payments like payroll deductions or vendor payments from their corporate accounts.

In many countries like Malaysia, opening a corporate bank account requires documents such as Articles of Incorporation/Association; Business Plan; Board Resolution; Memorandum & Articles of Association (M&AA); Certificate of Incorporation/Registration; Business Registration Certificate; Identification documents of directors and shareholders; Proof of address for directors and shareholders.

Types Of Business Bank Accounts In Malaysia

In Malaysia, there are various types of business bank accounts that companies can choose from. Business savings accounts are designed to assist with capital growth and liquidity. They typically offer higher interest rates than regular personal savings accounts, while also providing a convenient way to transact business funds and manage cash flows. Additionally, business current accounts are tailored for businesses to manage their daily banking activities such as making payments, deposits, and withdrawals. Further, they usually come with additional features such as overdrafts and lines of credit to help support day-to-day operations of the company.

Besides these two common types of business bank accounts, there are other specialized ones available in Malaysia that provide solutions for specific purposes. For example, merchant services enable businesses to process debit/credit card payments from customers quickly and securely. Multi-currency or offshore banking accounts serve those who conduct international trade by allowing them to handle different currencies at the same time without incurring hefty exchange fees or dealing with paperwork or foreign regulations. Lastly, Islamic banking products offer alternative solutions for businesses based on Islamic principles such as avoiding usury (interest) and investing in ethical industries and projects.

Business owners need to consider their needs before deciding which type of bank account is suitable for their company. Each option comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages which should be carefully weighed before selecting an appropriate one. Furthermore, it is advisable to seek advice from professionals on product selection and account management procedures before opening a business bank account in Malaysia.

Requirements For Opening A Business Bank Account In Malaysia

Specific requirements must be met to open a business bank account in Malaysia. Generally, the business owner must be registered and licensed with the Companies Commission of Malaysia (SSM). The business should also have an established legal office address and local telephone number and be reported for tax purposes. Additional requirements may vary depending on the type of entity. For example, companies limited by shares require a minimum paid-up capital of RM2,000. It must provide documents such as Memorandum & Articles of Association, Form 24 & 49, Form 13A (if applicable), Board Resolution and Certificate of Incorporation.

In addition to the above mentioned documents, the company must present identification cards such as passport or identity card (IC) for both local directors and foreign directors. Other documents may include utility bills or bank statements to prove residential address. In cases where foreign directors are opening a business bank account in Malaysia, additional documents may be required such as visa information and entry/exit stamps from Immigration Department of Malaysia.

For sole proprietorship businesses, the individual must provide their IC and proof of residential address along with other relevant documents or forms provided by their banks. Depending on the type of services requested from the bank, additional information or documents may need to be provided – this is usually determined by each bank individually. It is important to note that all these requirements are subject to change without prior notice from time to time.

Finding The Right Bank For Your Business

When opening a business bank account in Malaysia, it is important to select the right financial institution for oneโ€™s needs. There are various factors to consider when selecting the best bank for oneโ€™s business. It is advisable to compare several banks and their services before making a final decision.

The first step is to identify the type of banking services the business requires. Businesses need to consider the types of transactions they will be making on a regular basis, such as international payments or local payments, as well as deposit and withdrawal options. It is also important to ensure that the bank offers competitive interest rates and fees, as this could have an impact on business costs and profits.

It is wise to research customer reviews of different banks in order to get an idea of their customer service levels, such as responsiveness and willingness to help with any queries or issues that may arise. Additionally, businesses should look into whether the bank provides features such as online banking platforms, mobile banking apps, and other technological capabilities that can enable them to manage their finances more efficiently. By taking all these aspects into consideration, businesses can find a suitable bank for their needs in Malaysia.

Understanding Banking Fees And Charges

When it comes to opening a business bank account in Malaysia, understanding the fees and charges associated with each bank is essential. It is important to note that all banks will have some level of fees and charges that must be paid for the use of the services and products they offer. These can include account maintenance fees, transaction fees, currency exchange rates, and overdrafts.

The most common types of fees associated with banking in Malaysia are those related to transactions such as cash withdrawal or deposits. Banks typically charge a fee for each transaction made on an account. Fees may vary depending on the type of transaction being made and the amount being transferred. In addition to these transaction-related fees, banks may also charge additional service fees such as annual or monthly maintenance charges or minimum balance requirements.

It is important for businesses to understand not only the specific costs associated with their chosen banking provider but also how these costs may vary from one financial institution to another. Comparing different banksโ€™ fee structures can help businesses determine which one best meets their needs while staying within budget. Additionally, businesses should consider other factors such as customer service support, online banking convenience, and ATM locations when selecting a bank for their business needs.

Documentation Needed To Open A Business Bank Account

When opening a business bank account in Malaysia, there are several documents that must be provided. First, the company is required to provide proof of registration from Companies Commission of Malaysia (CCM) or the relevant state authority. This document is necessary for confirming the legitimacy and legality of the companyโ€™s establishment. Furthermore, a company must submit its Memorandum and Articles of Association (M&A), which outlines the purpose, objectives and shareholding structure of the business.

In addition to these two documents, owners must also provide identification information such as a copy of their Identification Card (MyKad). For foreign-owned companies, owners are required to present their passport along with other applicable business licenses or permits. Depending on the nature of the companyโ€™s activities, additional documents may be needed such as import/export licenses or Professional Licensing Board certificates.

To open a business bank account in Malaysia, all relevant documentation should be provided in order to proceed with the application successfully. The documentation is important for verifying the companyโ€™s identity and confirming its legality so that it can start banking operations without any delays.

How To Open A Business Bank Account Online In Malaysia

To open a business bank account online in Malaysia, there are several steps that must be taken. First, the business owner must register the business with Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM). This registration can be done online and requires some documents such as a statutory declaration of compliance and an application form. After the business registration is complete, the business can apply for a corporate bank account with any Malaysian bank. The following are the steps that need to be completed:

  1. Visit the website of the chosen bank to start an online application.
  2. Fill out all required fields on the online application form.
  3. Upload all necessary documents required by the bank to open a corporate account, such as company registration documents, passport copies of directors and shareholders, and proof of address for directors and shareholders.
  4. Submit payment for any fees associated with opening a corporate account in Malaysia.

Upon successful submission of all documents, the bank will review them and may request additional information or documentation if needed. Once all requirements are met, an account number will be provided to enable access to banking services such as fund transfers and other transactions. It is important to note that some banks may require additional steps such as attending an interview or signing physical forms at one of their branches in order to complete the process of opening a corporate bank account in Malaysia.

When opening a business bank account in Malaysia, there are a number of legal considerations that must be taken into account. Firstly, all businesses must register with the Companies Commission of Malaysia (SSM). This is to ensure that the company meets all the necessary regulations and requirements for operating legally within the country. Additionally, documents such as Memorandum and Articles of Association (M&A) must be notarized by a lawyer before submission to SSM.

The second point of consideration is that a business must possess an Economic Planning Unit (EPU) registration number in order to open a bank account. This registration is obtained from the local state EPU office and must be accompanied by proof of identity and relevant documents pertaining to the businessโ€™ activities. Additionally, businesses may have to obtain tax registration numbers or other relevant licenses depending on their respective industry sector.

Finally, financial institutions require certain documents before they open a business bank account. These may include proof of identity, company details such as registered address and contact information and any trade licenses or permits acquired by the business. It is also important to note that banks may impose additional requirements for opening accounts for companies incorporated overseas or with foreign shareholding structures. In such cases, additional paperwork will need to be provided prior to approval being granted.

Different Ways To Fund Your Business Account

Having established a business bank account in Malaysia, there are several ways to fund it. Primarily, the most common way to fund a business bank account is through capital contributions and investments. Other methods include loans and grants, lines of credit, and venture capital investments. Each option has its advantages and disadvantages depending on the type of business and its needs.

Funding MethodAdvantagesDisadvantages
Capital Contributions/InvestmentsAllows for greater control over funds; Can be done quickly with minimal paperwork; Low overhead costs and fees; No repayment requiredPossibility of limited funding from investors; Diluted ownership structure if additional investors join later on
Loans/GrantsCan provide large amounts of capital with no ownership dilution; Allows for flexible payment structures and repayment termsDifficult to obtain without convincing evidence that the business will succeed; Strict requirements for repaying within agreed-upon time frame; High interest rates can increase operational costs dramatically
Lines of CreditFlexible repayment options based on cash flow cycle; Lower interest rates compared to loans/grantsDifficult to obtain if you have bad credit history or low collateral value; May require personal guarantor or co-signer; High fees upon account closure
Venture Capital InvestmentsInvestment comes with managerial advice from investors who have extensive experience in the industryLoss of control over operations as investors may need to approve major decisions before they can be executed; Potential for high equity dilution if additional rounds are necessary

It is important to consider all options when seeking funding for a new business account in Malaysia. Ultimately, the best solution depends on the specific needs of each company. Understanding the implications of each source helps ensure that businesses make informed decisions about how best to fund their accounts. Through careful consideration and research, businesses can select a method that meets their needs while ensuring financial stability in the long run.

Benefits Of Using A Separate Business Account

The use of a separate business account offers numerous advantages to entrepreneurs in Malaysia. Firstly, it provides improved financial security. By separating funds from a personal account and using a designated business bank account, entrepreneurs can better track their expenditures and monitor their cash flow. This enables them to more accurately forecast their budget for the future and identify any potential risks or opportunities that may arise. Additionally, having a separate business account simplifies tax filing processes as all income and expenses are tracked in one location. This aids in accurate reporting of financial data which is essential for auditing purposes.

Furthermore, utilizing a separate business account facilitates the receipt of payments from clients or partners. Many companies prefer to do business with those who have clearly identifiable accounts as this reduces the risk of fraud or other breaches of trust. By having a dedicated business bank account, entrepreneurs can increase their credibility and show commitment to conducting professional transactions. It also provides an extra layer of protection against losses caused by identity theft or hacking by keeping funds and important information separately stored from personal accounts.

Having an independent business bank account is also beneficial when it comes to building credit history. By establishing creditworthiness through making timely payments on loans or investments, entrepreneurs can improve their access to capital in the future while gaining leverage over suppliers who offer discounts for early payments. Additionally, having a separate business bank account allows entrepreneurs to take advantage of any special offers provided by banks such as low-interest rates on loans or higher interest rates on savings accounts. Ultimately, these factors create enhanced potential for growth and sustainability for businesses in Malaysia.

Managing Financial Transactions With An Accounting Software

Malaysia has become increasingly attractive to new business owners due to its favorable tax rates and market conditions. Even so, it is important for business owners to understand the importance of managing financial transactions in this country. An accounting software is one of the most useful tools that can be used for this purpose. This software allows business owners to track income and expenses, as well as forecast future cash flow and profits. Additionally, it can provide detailed reports that make it easier for business owners to make informed decisions about their finances.

One of the major advantages of using an accounting software is that it eliminates manual data entry and reduces human errors. This saves time and money while ensuring a higher level of accuracy in financial reporting. Furthermore, many programs offer automated features such as invoice generation, automatic payment processing, and budgeting tools. This makes it easier for business owners to manage their finances more efficiently.

Using an accounting software also provides a secure platform for storing sensitive financial information. It helps protect personal data from hackers or unauthorized access by making use of encryption algorithms and other security safeguards. Moreover, with cloud-based solutions, businesses can access their financial data from anywhere in the world on any device with an internet connection. This allows them to stay up-to-date with their finances at all times.

Setting Up Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) Services

In order to set up electronic funds transfer (EFT) services in Malaysia, business owners must complete several steps. First, they must open a corporate bank account with any of the major banks in Malaysia. This process requires the submission of documents such as the Memorandum and Articles of Association (M&A), the Companyโ€™s Business Registration number, and a copy of the Form 24 and 49 from the Companies Commission of Malaysia. Once approved, these documents will be used to set up the EFT service.

Second, business owners must apply for an EFT license with Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM). The application process requires submission of information about the business and its operations such as its financial statements and operations background. After submitting all required documents and obtaining approval from BNM, businesses receive their license to use EFT services.

Third, business owners must open an e-banking account with each bank that offers EFT services. An e-banking account is a secure connection between banking systems that allows businesses to make payments electronically without having to physically visit a bank branch or remit funds manually. To open an e-banking account, businesses need to provide details such as their company name, address, contact information, and other relevant information related to their business activities.

Businesses can benefit from using EFT services through various advantages including:

  1. Increased efficiency in conducting business transactions
  2. Reduced costs associated with manual transfers
  3. Improved customer satisfaction due to faster payments
  4. Enhanced security features for payments made electronically 5. Greater accuracy in financial records.

Protecting Your Money From Fraudulent Activities

Malaysia is one of the most reliable countries for conducting financial transactions. However, it is important to take steps to protect your money from fraudulent activities. This can be done through a combination of cyber security practices and regular monitoring of banking accounts.

One way to protect yourself from fraud is by using cyber security practices, such as strong passwords and two-factor authentication when logging into banking accounts. It is also important to avoid clicking on suspicious links or attachments in emails, as this can open up your computer or device to malicious software. Additionally, you should ensure that any online financial transactions are conducted over secure networks, preferably ones with encryption capabilities.

Monitoring bank accounts regularly is another way to protect against fraud. This includes reviewing monthly statements and checking for any suspicious activity or unauthorized withdrawals. Additionally, banks often provide alerts for certain activities such as large transfers or purchases, which can help detect any potential fraudulent activity immediately. By taking these precautions and staying vigilant about security practices, business owners can safeguard their funds from fraudulent activities in Malaysia.

Regulations Concerning Withdrawal And Deposit Limits

Malaysia has set certain regulations concerning the withdrawal and deposit limits for business bank accounts. To ensure compliance with these regulations, a business must be registered with the Companies Commission of Malaysia (SSM). Additionally, to open a business account, all directors of the company must provide a copy of their valid identification documents such as passport or identification card.

As for the withdrawal limit, business entities are eligible to withdraw up to RM50,000 from their business accounts each month. For deposits, businesses can deposit up to RM100,000 into their accounts per month without any additional cost.

Furthermore, businesses may also apply for higher withdrawal and deposit limits if needed by providing necessary documents and information such as financial statements and proof of source of funds. It is also important to note that banks may impose additional restrictions on withdrawing and depositing funds depending on the type of account held by the business entity.

Therefore, it is important for businesses to understand the regulations associated with their type of account before taking any action with regards to withdrawals or deposits.

Tips On Choosing The Best Banking Solutions For Your Business

When it comes to setting up a business bank account in Malaysia, it is important to consider the various banking solutions available. To assist with the selection process, the following table provides an overview of the most common options.

Banking SolutionsFeatures
Business Savings AccountsEasy access to funds; interest earned on deposited balance; debit card and/or cheque book available; lower minimum balance requirements
Business Current AccountsEasy access to funds; low transaction costs; overdraft facility available; credit card available; higher minimum balance requirements than savings accounts
Business Credit CardsAccess to large amounts of money, often at lower interest rates than other sources of finance; convenient for making payments online or overseas, but can come with high fees and interest rates if not managed properly
Business Loans & OverdraftsCan be used to finance larger projects or investments that require more capital than a business has available in its current accounts or savings accounts; generally carries a fixed rate of interest for the loan period, which can be longer than credit cards; must meet certain criteria set by financial institutions

It is important to evaluate each banking solution carefully before deciding which option best meets your business needs. Consider factors such as cash flow management, cost-effectiveness, ability to access funds quickly and easily, and security measures offered. Additionally, research banks and their services extensively before making any decisions โ€“ speak with other entrepreneurs in your industry and compare different banksโ€™ offerings before selecting a provider. Ultimately, selecting an appropriate banking solution requires careful evaluation and consideration of all relevant factors.


Business banking is an essential component of running a successful enterprise in Malaysia. Having access to the right financial services can help businesses grow and thrive. As such, it is important for business owners and entrepreneurs to understand the various types of business bank accounts that are available in Malaysia, as well as the requirements and fees associated with opening an account.

Moreover, they should investigate electronic funds transfer (EFT) services, withdrawal and deposit limits, and other banking solutions that can best suit their needs. If you’re interested in another type of banking, read more about offshore banking in Labuan.

Finally, it is important to take steps to protect against fraudulent activities and ensure money remains secure. By taking these steps, businesses will be better prepared for success in the Malaysian market.

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