MyVAS Login

MyVAS (My Vaccine Administration System) is a platform introduced by the Ministry of Health Malaysia to manage the vaccination process in the country. The system streamlines the scheduling, administration, and monitoring of vaccines to ensure an efficient response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

If you are wondering how to login to MyVAS database to do data management, you can do so by using your given and registered credentials provided during the registration.

How to login MyVAS via

Here’s how you can log in to

  1. Visit the website’s login page at
  2. You should find a section asking for your Email Address and your Password.
  3. Enter these details in the appropriate fields.
  4. Click on the Login button to log in.
  5. Done

If you have forgotten your username or password, look for a link that says ‘Need help?‘ and follow the instructions provided. Alternatively, you can contact them via [email protected].

Please make sure you’re following these steps on a secure and private internet connection. If you’re having trouble, it’s often best to contact the site’s support directly.

What is MyVAS?

MyVAS serves as the core system behind MySejahtera. Seamlessly integrated with VMS, it enables the application to retrieve vaccine commission data based on the tray’s user-inputted serial number.

MyVAS is a critical component in making the vaccination process more efficient and transparent for all parties involved. It essentially acts as a secure database, storing all relevant and up-to-date information regarding the vaccines. By simply inputting the unique serial number of a vaccine tray, the system can provide comprehensive data about the said batch.

This includes the manufacturing date, expiration date, and even the specific location where the vaccine was produced. MyVAS supports real-time tracking and management of the vaccine supply chain, ensuring that vaccines are distributed in a timely and organized manner. The integration of MyVAS and VMS makes MySejahtera a powerful tool in managing the ongoing vaccination campaign.

Is there a new login URL at

Yes, if you click, it will eventually redirect to The login procedure still the same.

  1. Visit the website’s login page at
  2. You should find a section asking for your Email Address and your Password.
  3. Enter these details in the appropriate fields.
  4. Click on the Login button to log in.
  5. Done

What to do if I cannot login to MyVAS?

If you’re unable to login to MyVAS, try the following:

  1. Check Your Internet Connection: First, ensure that your internet connection is stable and working properly. Sometimes, a poor or unstable connection can cause login issues.
  2. Check Your Login Credentials: Make sure that you are entering the correct username and password. If you are unsure about your login credentials, try resetting your password.
  3. Reset Your Password: If you have forgotten your password, click on the ‘Forgot Password’ link on the MyVAS login page. You will be asked to provide your registered email address to receive a link to reset your password.
  4. Clear Your Browser Cache: Sometimes, your browser’s cache may cause login issues. Clear your browser’s cache and cookies and try logging in again.
  5. Use a Different Browser: If you are still unable to login, try using a different web browser. Some websites may not be fully compatible with all browsers.
  6. Update Your Browser: If your browser is out of date, it may not support the security standards required to access MyVAS. Update your browser to the latest version and try logging in again.
  7. Check for Announcements: There might be system maintenance or updates happening. Check the Ministry of Health’s official website or social media platforms for any announcements regarding this.
  8. Disable Firewall/AdBlock: Sometimes, firewall settings or ad-blocking software can interfere with the login process. Try disabling these features and attempt to login again.
  9. Use a Different Device: If you are still unable to login, try using a different device. There might be an issue with your current device that is preventing you from logging in.

If you have tried all of the above and are still unable to login, you should contact MyVAS support at [email protected]. They will be able to assist you with your login and password issue.

How do I keep my MyVAS login details safe?

Here are some general tips to keep your login details safe, whether for MyVAS or any other online service:

  1. Strong Password: Your password should be strong and unique. It should include a mix of upper and lower case letters, numbers, and special characters. Avoid using easily guessable information like birthdays, names, or common phrases.
  2. Update Regularly: Update your password regularly, at least every three months, to reduce the chances of it being compromised.
  3. Password Managers: Consider using a password manager program. These programs will create and remember complex passwords for you, and they can be a good way to ensure each password is both unique and secure.
  4. Two-Factor Authentication: If MyVAS or your other platforms support it, use two-factor authentication. This adds an extra layer of security to your account by requiring a second form of identification beyond just your password.
  5. Secure Networks: Only log in to your accounts on secure, private networks. Public Wi-Fi can be easily intercepted by others, so avoid entering your login details when connected to public networks.
  6. Phishing Scams: Be aware of phishing scams. Never click on suspicious links and always double-check that emails asking for your login details are from the official source.
  7. Sharing Information: Never share your login details with anyone. No legitimate service should ever ask for your password.

Remember, keeping your login details safe is crucial to maintaining your online security and protecting your personal information.

Categories MOH

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