eMadani TNG: Claim Credit RM100 via Touch ‘n Go eWallet

To claim the RM100 eMadani credit using Touch ‘n Go, follow these steps:

  1. Open TNG App: Launch the Touch ‘n Go app on your smartphone.
  2. Press eMadani Banner: On the main page of TNG eWallet, press the eMadani banner.
  3. Agree to Terms & Conditions: Check or mark the option to agree.
  4. Press “Claim Now!”: Click the ‘Claim Now!‘ button.
  5. Check Information: Ensure all your information is correct.
  6. Agree to Privacy Clause: Agree to the displayed privacy clause.
  7. Press Continue: Click the ‘Continue‘ button.
  8. Enter Personal Information: You will be redirected to the official eMadani page. Fill in the requested personal information.
  9. Submit Information: Press ‘Submit‘ to send your information.
  10. Ensure Successful Submission: Press the ‘Done’ button to confirm your submission is successful.
  11. Press “OK, Got It”: Make sure to click the ‘OK, got it’ button.
  12. Completion: With this, you have completed the process to claim eMadani TNG.

How to download Touch ‘n Go eWallet app?

To download the Touch ‘n Go eWallet app, follow these simple steps:

  1. For Android Users: Open the Google Play Store on your Android device.
  2. For iOS Users: Open the Apple App Store on your iOS device.
  3. Search for the App: In the search bar, type “Touch ‘n Go eWallet” and search.
  4. Select the App: From the search results, select the official Touch ‘n Go eWallet app.
  5. Download and Install: Click on the download/install button to begin the download and installation process.

Once installed, you can open the app and follow the instructions to set up your account to claim RM100 eMadani credit.

What is eMadani program?

The eMadani program is a Malaysian government initiative that offers RM100 in eWallet credits. To be eligible, individuals must be Malaysian, at least 21 years old, and either be a recipient of the STR program or have declared an annual income of RM100,000 or less to the Inland Revenue Board (IRB) by July 15, 2023. This program runs from December 4, 2023, until February 20, 2024, and the credit must be used by February 29, 2024.

The eMadani initiative is part of a larger government effort with an allocation of RM1 billion, aiming to benefit up to 10 million citizens, specifically targeting the B40 and M40 groups. The eWallet service providers participating in this program are MAE, Setel, ShopeePay, and Touch ‘n Go eWallet. It’s important to note that the eMadani credit and any matching benefits provided by these e-wallet service providers can only be used for offline transactions until February 29, 2024.

Registration and claims for eMadani began at 8:00 am on December 4, 2023, and will be available through the e-wallet service providers chosen by the users.

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