Check Blacklist With IC

How to check blacklist with IC number in Malaysia?

To check if you are blacklisted with the Central Credit Reference Information System (CCRIS) in Malaysia, you can follow these steps:

  1. Visit Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) website: Go to the official website of Bank Negara Malaysia at
  2. Access eCCRIS portal: Click on the “Central Credit Reference Information System (CCRIS)” link under the “Quick Links” section, or visit the eCCRIS portal directly at
  3. Register for an eCCRIS account: Click on “Register as a new user” and provide the required information, such as your MyKad (Malaysian identification card) number, email address, and phone number. You will need to verify your email address and phone number to complete the registration process.
  4. Log in to your eCCRIS account: After successfully registering, log in to your eCCRIS account using your MyKad number and password.
  5. Request your CCRIS report: Once logged in, click on “Request My CCRIS Report” and provide the necessary information. You will be asked to confirm your request before proceeding.
  6. View your CCRIS report: Your CCRIS report will be generated, and you can view it online or download it as a PDF file. The report will show your credit history, outstanding loans, and any records of late payments or defaults.
  7. Check for blacklist status: Review your CCRIS report for any negative records or indicators that may suggest you are blacklisted. If you have a history of late payments, defaults, or other credit issues, this may impact your ability to obtain new loans or credit facilities in Malaysia.

If you need further assistance or clarification, you can contact Bank Negara Malaysia’s Customer Service Centre at 1-300-88-5465 or email [email protected].

How can I clear my blacklist in Malaysia?

To clear your blacklist in Malaysia, follow these steps:

  1. Identify the reason for being blacklisted: Understand the reason behind your blacklisting, such as unpaid debts, loan defaults, or bankruptcy.
  2. Obtain your credit report: Request a copy of your credit report from the Credit Reporting Agency (CRA) in Malaysia, such as the Central Credit Reference Information System (CCRIS) or Credit Bureau of Malaysia (CTOS). This report will provide details on your outstanding debts and financial status.
  3. Settle your debts: Contact the relevant banks or financial institutions to negotiate and settle your outstanding debts. You may need to pay the full amount or agree on a repayment plan.
  4. Monitor your credit score: Regularly review your credit report to ensure that your debts have been updated and your credit score has improved.
  5. Maintain good financial habits: Make sure to pay your bills on time and avoid accumulating new debts to prevent being blacklisted again in the future.

If you have been blacklisted due to a mistake or inaccurate information, you can dispute the information with the relevant CRA and provide evidence to support your claim.

Once the error is corrected, your blacklist status should be cleared. Keep in mind that clearing your blacklist may take time, depending on the complexity of your case and the response time of the relevant agencies.

How does a person get blacklisted in Malaysia?

A person can get blacklisted in Malaysia for various reasons, which often involve financial or legal misconduct. Some common reasons include:

  1. Unpaid loans or debts: If a person defaults on loan payments or has outstanding debts, financial institutions and creditors may report them to the Central Credit Reference Information System (CCRIS) managed by Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM). This could lead to the person being blacklisted and facing difficulties in obtaining new loans or credit facilities.
  2. Bankruptcy: If a person is declared bankrupt by the court due to unpaid debts, they will be blacklisted, and their name will be recorded in the Malaysian Department of Insolvency.
  3. Tax evasion or non-payment of taxes: The Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia (LHDN) can blacklist individuals who evade taxes or fail to pay their taxes.
  4. Employment-related issues: Employers can report employees who violate their contract terms or commit misconduct to the relevant authorities, leading to potential blacklisting.
  5. Legal offenses: Individuals involved in criminal activities or convicted of illegal activities can be blacklisted by law enforcement agencies.
  6. Immigration offenses: The Immigration Department of Malaysia may blacklist individuals who have overstayed their visas, entered the country illegally, or committed other immigration-related offenses.

Being blacklisted can lead to various consequences, including difficulties in obtaining loans, credit facilities, or even employment.

To avoid being blacklisted, it is essential to maintain good financial and legal standing by paying debts on time, fulfilling contractual obligations, and abiding by Malaysian laws and regulations.

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